Government forces developers to fix cladding crisis (10 January 2022): Secretary of State warns developers they must pay to fix the cladding crisis that they caused as he overhauls the government’s approach to building safety.

Government sets out new plan to protect leaseholders and make industry pay for the cladding crisis (10 January 2022): The government has reset its approach to building safety with a bold new plan to protect leaseholders and make wealthy developers and companies pay to fix the cladding crisis.

Ministerial direction from Secretary of State Michael Gove to Permanent Secretary Jeremy Pocklington (10 January 2022): Permanent Secretary Jeremy Pocklington has written to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities the Rt Hon Michael Gove MP who in return issued a ministerial direction. The letters relate to funding fire alarms in all buildings with a waking watch.

Letter from Permanent Secretary Jeremy Pocklington to Secretary of State Michael Gove (10 January 2022): £27m fund for fire alarms in buildings with a waking watch: ministerial direction .

Grenfell Tower Inquiry Module 6 of Phase 2. Module 6 of Phase 2 of the Grenfell Tower Fire Inquiry began this week.  Section 7 of the Opening Written Statement by the BSR Team 1A refers to Triple A’s concerns about the legalities of the LGA Guide Fire Safety in Purpose-built Flats relating to disabled people. This relates to a letter written to Sir Merrick Cockell, then Chairman of the Local Government Group.

Workplace & Facilities Expo, Dublin 2020: Egress for disabled and vulnerable people from complex environments – the legal requirements,, challenges and solutions presentation

Fire Security Matters, January 2019: Elspeth Grant takes a look at the progress of the Grenfell Tower Inquiry, and highlights the importance of an effective evacuation plan in high-rise buildings

University & Healthcare Estates and Innovation News: Universities are not alone in expecting the Fire and Rescue Service to rescue disabled people from Refuge Areas.

Universities & Healthcare Estates and Innovation 2019: Presentation on evacuation of disabled people from complex environments

Chambers of Commerce 2017: Working in partnership with Evaccess at the Chambers of Commerce

NASHiCS Forum, Lincoln September 2016: The seminar got underway with a talk by Elspeth Grant from TripleAconsult who provided some different perspectives on the subject of evacuation in case of fire in social care premises with plenty of examples and scenarios.

NASHiCS Forum, Belfast October 2016: The day started with an interactive session, from Elspeth Grant, Consultant from TripleAconsult allowing delegates to experience the loss of certain key senses, such as sight, feel, hearing and mobility, to highlight concerns when drawing up any Evacuation Plan.

Evac-chair New Zealand 2012: Disabled Fire Deaths – could it happen here? A joint article with Bob Doherty, Chairman of the Institute of Fire Safety Managers

Workplace Law Handbook, Health and Safety, Premises and Environment in 2011 & 2012: Contributor to the Handbook on evacuation of disabled people

PEEPs Day for Fire Risk Assessors, FIA/IFSM 2011: Aimed at all IFSM & FIA members this all day event provides information from a range of expert presenters on the subject of Designing for disabled peoples personal emergency evacuation plans (PEEPs) 

Fire Safety Conference, Effective Design, Management and Use of Buildings, November 2009: Interpreting regulations and standards to optimise disability provisioning presentation by Elspeth Grant

Five Star Safety Conference, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Services: The Service recently hosted a national conference focussing on the safe evacuation of disabled and vulnerable people in the event of a hotel fire. Elspeth Grant from TripleAconsult presented about the evacuation of disabled people from difficult buildings and PEEPs – Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans.

Designing for Disabled Peoples Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans, FIA: Elspeth Grant took up where Steve left off with her piece entitled, ‘What goes in, Must Come Out but HOW?’ Elspeth’s section was about to go from informative to controversial, as a discussion broke out about the limits of responsibility in blocks flats, when time ran out.